Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memories of a Five Speed

So I recently test drove a 5-speed for Rachel and Jared. There was quite a mishap with one of her dad's ATV's a few weeks ago at SawGrass, involving a very spectacular fire: Until... so to replace the ATV they got him a Suzuki Sidekick: A Sidekick for a Four-Wheeler. On our way to test drive it I gave my brother a quick call, "So can you just remind me how to drive a standard." His reply, "Lord help them if you're the pro at this!" Anyway, all this got me to reminiscing....

It was a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon, January 2003. I was living in Sugarland, Texas with the delightful Copelins and working with Karen. I had exactly one evening to learn to drive a standard before I was to be let loose on the roads of Sugarland, with its stoplights and stop signs every .2 cm. There are really no words to adequately describe this period in my life so I’ll just give snippets of memories.

This is kind of what Jane-with-a-Y looked like.

Lurching (literally, lurching) my way to work. I rode with my hazards on at all times and basically just whacked my head over and over again against the head rest as I tried to navigate all the stops between me and my destination. I was frequently stalled beneath a stoplight; hazards flashing, hands clutching the steering wheel, screaming in furry and frustration at the top of my lungs.

Lurching my way into a parking spot outside Julie’s apartment, and then upon going in, seeing her doubled over laughing, “I could hear you coming!”

Stalling out about ten times as I tried to exit the Copelin’s driveway, and then Wayne coming out the front door holding a set of keys saying, “ Stop, stop. Take my car.”

Going with Wayne to pick up the car from Bravo’s (a fine Mexican establishment we frequented) to jumper cable the car after I had left the lights on the night before. And after getting back to the house him saying, “Just wait here and I’ll have you follow me to drop off my car to be washed.” I got out and thought to myself, “Do I have to pull the emergency break or is it fine in I think I can just leave it in neutral.” Then watching as the car rolled down the driveway towards the trees and mailbox of the house opposite, seeing out of the corner of my eye as Karen came out of the house, took in what was happening, and immediately went back in as Wayne ran after the car. (Luckily, surprisingly, thankfully, nothing was hurt: man, car, tree, or mailbox!)

Ah Jayne (pronounced Jane-with-a-Y) we had some grand times!

(sidenote: As an ex-editor and fill-in copyeditor, I am aware that my tenses and voice are all over the map up there. It annoys me, but the work of sorting it all out would annoy me even more! So to those who know about these things or notice these things, I am profoundly sorry!)

I don't have any actual pictures of me driving the car so I'll just put up some of the Copelin girls that I have on my computer here. They crack me up.

Me (age 18) Julie (age 17) On a bus, who knows where!

Jeni and me, totally winning at cards!

(Jeni, Julie, Me) My 3oth birthday skydive!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Geographically Challenged

Once upon a time I kept very tidy journals. I had a perfect pen in the perfect shade of blue black; sadly, one day, this pen ran out. Now this pen was from Hungary and I was in America, so I could not replace my perfect pen. And, as I could never write in my tidy journals with any ordinary blue or black pen, I was forced to move to make-shift notebooks and countless scraps of notebook paper. It was my hope that these mediums would serve merely as repository journals till I could obtain another perfect pen, upon which time I would transpose all my thoughts back to my tidy journal in my perfect shade of blue black ink. Well, that was almost 5 years ago and my perfect pen and I still haven't found each other.

So recently I decided to just move everything to my laptop. And that is how I came to discover how very hard it must be sometimes for my Mensa sister-in-law (holla Lori) to hang out with me and my brother, whom she loves dearly (you can read about them and my lovely niece Lucy here).

I remember the below exchanges quite well, but didn't realize they happened the same exact day or that they both had to do with mine and my brother's geographic prowess till I started gathering up my journal bits!

January 16, 2006
Lori and I went shopping and I was wearing a shirt that said Sri Lanka on it. I went into an Old Navy dressing room and had the following conversation.

Old Navy guy (looking at my shirt): I want to go there.
Leah: Yea, me too!
Old Navy guy: You wanna go? Let’s leave tonight.
Leah (delighted): Okay! Do you know how to get there?
Old Navy guy: We could figure it out.

I was completely enchanted by this conversation, which I felt was extremely clever and whimsical. I went and told it to Lori, who said:

Lori: Did you tell him you’ve been there?
Leah (shocked and slightly confused): I’ve never been there.
Lori: You haven’t?
Leah (bemused): No; it’s a mythical place; nobody’s been there.
Lori: Sri Lanka’s a real place!
Leah: .................................................
(light dawning): SHANGRI LA! …………
(rethinking conversation with Old Navy guy) Oh no!

pic of Sri Lanka, which looks pretty magical!

Later that evening Bryan, Lori, and I were watching The Bachelor Paris. The bachelor was having a one on one date with one of the girls. He called her mom to find out what her favorite food was. It was Italian.

Bryan: That’s good considering where they are.
Lori: They’re not in Italy.
Bryan: Right…no…I know.
Lori: Bryan, where is Paris?
Bryan: Rome…?
Lori and Me (which in light of the above is somewhat laughable): WHAT?!
Bryan: No, no…I mean…
Lori: Bryan, WHERE is Paris?!
Bryan: Spain….??
Lori: BRYAN!
Bryan: No, no….
Bryan: I know that. I was just having brain freeze. I know it’s in France. “Oui” that’s French. “Bonjoir” that’s French. I know Paris is in France…………………………..I’m just foggy. I drank most of that wine by myself.

"Sacre bleu! What do they teach these kids in school?"