Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Employee of the Week

I'm blogging! Mainly because I have an easy work to blog crossover, which requires very little work with the words on my part. (granted it's still taken me 3 months to get this up)

Every week at work we have an employee of the week. They're chosen randomly so don't think this means we are exemplary in anyway, it just means we were drawn from a hat. But when you are chosen EofW you get a nice, close parking space, which is rad if you are frequently a tad late and all the good spaces are gone. You also get featured in the weekly work email, where they have a little Q&A about you. This year we've been giving pics of ourselves from when we were young.

All the pics of my early youth still live at home with my parents so I stole this one off my Aunt Laura's Facebook page.

me and my cousin Jonathon, aged 3 to 4 or 5
I still totally adore Winnie the Pooh, that bear is genius!

Here's my feature:
Name (and nickname you prefer to be called): Leah

Birthday (month and date): August 24

Date you began working at WMU: February 2006 (intern/temp) April 2007 (as a real employee)

Job title at WMU: Web Technician (though I’m actually the Web Designer)

What is your favorite WMU artifact/piece of WMU history? The map of the world that shows where it’s day and where it’s night. (we have loads of antiques and artifacts from missionaries and lands far and wide)

Favorite vacation spot: can’t commit to just one: England! Australia! Norway (in the summer)! SawGrass! All places green, vast, and beautiful that lend themselves to dramatic horse-back riding, preferably while wearing a cloak.

Three words that describe you: frenetic, loyal, noncommittal

Favorite cartoon: Smurfs and Muppets (not technically a cartoon)

Something you miss about your childhood: my grandfathers

Favorite movie: can’t commit: Sound of Music, Moulin Rouge, The Village, In America

Food you “just can’t live without:” Hamburgers. Rather uninteresting but true. I'm also very, very fond of pizza, curry, and pineapple

Favorite toy or game from childhood: saving the world as Luke Skywalker (when the neighbor boys would let me be him); learning that I was a long-lost princess from another planet, and then subsequently saving that planet, which was embroiled in a horrible civil war; winning Wimbledon and the Tour de France—the usual.

Hobby or interest you’d like to start: Polo. I’ve no doubt I’d be mortally wounded in seconds, but I’m pretty sure those brief moments right before would be awesome!

Favorite book (fiction): Jane Eyre, hands down! Though as a true bibliophile there is a long list of runner-ups clipping at her heels: The Lewis and Tolkien omnibuses, obviously; most of Dickens, even the ones that aren’t that great; P.G. Wodehouse (he is hysterical. he describes one of his characters who is plagued by the coming socialism to England and has bad indigestion as looking rather like "a pterodactyl with a secret sorrow"); Harry Potter (all of them, but 2 and 5 just a bit more than the others)!


mountainmelody said...

so how do you manage to be loyal and noncommittal at the same time?? :)

Leah said...

It's part of my mystery alien powers!

BeckyJ said...

I was going to ask the same question as mountainmelody! I think you really do have mystery alien powers.

You and I share some favorites! Jane Eyre has long been my fav. I relate to Jane more than most heroines, for some reason. Also, Wodehouse- literally laugh-out-loud material! Lewis, Tolkien, easy pics. HP too. I read all 7 books in a week when 7 came out because I wanted to start again from the beginning. Crazy.

Taylor and I just discovered The Hunger Games. Have you read that one? It's a new series. Check it out. Pretty good. It's not Bronte, but it'll do.

Love you, friend!